Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Shelerib th'Zharath (or Erib for short) was an Andorian thaan born in the 2340s, in the 24th century. He was a friend of Julian Bashir's at medical school while the two studied to become Starfleet doctors in the early 2360s. At a school party, fellow cadet Elizabeth Lense once mistook Erib for Bashir. (DS9 episode: "Explorers")

During his time as one of the few Andorians that Bashir ever spent significant amounts of time, Erib had not discussed many details of Andorian reproduction except that a relationship has societal and cultural demands that are not immediately apparent to outsiders, making it odd that one would reach adulthood without being married. (DS9 - Avatar novel: Avatar, Book One)

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