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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Robert.
For other uses, see Bobby.
See Abrams for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character's surname.

Chief Robert "Bobby" Abrams (also known as Tiroli) was a Human Starfleet enlisted crewmember serving aboard the USS Enterprise in the 2260s decade.


Abrams served primarily in the operations division, in security details, as a repair engineer, and as a transporter technician, although he also served duty working as an orderly in the ship's sickbay. (TOS episodes: "The Corbomite Maneuver", "Mudd's Women", "The Enemy Within", "The Man Trap", "Charlie X", "Balance of Terror", "Tomorrow is Yesterday")

Abrams had a notable standoff with senior staff member Hikaru Sulu in a ship corridor, when Sulu attacked Abrams and another crewmember with a sword while suffering the effects of polywater intoxication. (TOS episode: "The Naked Time")

In 2267, Abrams accompanied Captain James T. Kirk and his landing party to the surface of the planet Deneva to investigate the unusual communications blackout from the colony. The party discovered that the blackout was due to blastoneuron neural parasites infecting the colony. (TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: Operation -- Annihilate!)

Also in 2267, Abrams was part of the vessel's staff when Khan came on board. At one point, Bobby wore medical division coveralls to help Leonard McCoy handle that patient's recovery. Khan's actions required Abrams to join the crew's security response to the threat posed by the Augments in Khan's employ. (TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: Space Seed)

Abrams's last name is derived from his two mentions in novelizations. Onscreen, this uncredited character was only once named, called "Bobby" by Nyota Uhura in "The Man Trap", and his rank was only vaguely referenced when Kirk called him "chief", in "Charlie X". TOS novel: A Choice of Catastrophes clarified his first name as Robert and his proper grade as chief petty officer. The TOS novel: Provenance of Shadows referred to him as "Crewman Tiroli", suggesting that he changed his name or that in the separate continuity of that story, he was named Bobby Tiroli.


USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) security & tactical personnel
under Robert April F. D. Reed under Christopher Pike P. Bryce • Collins • Endel • A. Hardin • Orloff • D. Reed • Ross • Noonien-Singh • M. Takahara • B. Tuval • Valdini Federation icon image. Enterprise ops icon image.
under James T. Kirk
(first five-year mission)
R. Abrams • Autry • B. al Auriga • M. al-Baslama • Alonzo • Ames • J. Anderson • J. Anderson's impostor • Apple • Archer • J. Aristeides • M. A. Arrunja • Asherman • Atete • Autry • Bachman • Bardoli • Barrows • P. Bates • Baxter • Bobynin • H. Beason • Beltre • L. Benitez • Berengaria • N. Boggs • Borido • Bounds • L. Breen • Brennan • Brentano • Brickston • J. Buchert • Butterfield • Carlisle • Carlucci • Carver • Chavez • P. Chekov • Chevalier • Ching • Chopra • Christensen • Clark • Clark • G. Collier • B. Collins • Compton • Corcoran • J. Cordova • Creighton • J. Cruz • S. Darnell • Davis • Davison • B. Davoff • DeCamp • DeCastro • Devereaux • Dickerson • Digard • Doyle • Endercott • A. Esswein • Evans • Evans • Everts • Ferris • Fields • Fitzgerald • Fitzroy • J. Freeman • M. Flynn • Fphargn • Franklin • Friedman • M. Fuller • S. Fuller • Gabler • Gallagher • D. Galloway • S. Garrovick • R. Garvin • Garvin • Gary • Gebson • Gemas • B. Giotto • Gomez • Gorden • Grant • Hacker • Hadley • S. Hallie • Hanashiro • Handley • Harlow • Harrison • Hasmid • Hendorff • Herring • Hevelin • Hilambo • Hixon • Hrolfson • A. Huff • Inciviglia • Jakobs • Jameson • M. Jameson • Jamison • Jansen • Jennings • Johnson • Johnson • R. Johnson • Johnstone • M. Josephs • Kaplan • A. Kaplan • Kasuki • Kelly • Kellum • R. Kelowitz • Klinsky • Kirby • Korenman • Krawchuk • Lamia • Lang • Lebrun • R. Lemli • S. Lerner • Leskanich • R. Leslie • Levitz • Lewis • Lindenbaum • Ling • Lopez • Lowry • Mallard • Mallory • Manning • Marple • Martins • Masaryk • Masters • E. Mathews • Matthews • McGaren • Meyers • Michaels • N. Minecci • Montgomery • M. Moore • Morton • Mosley • Murphy • B. Nairobi • Namura • H. Ndugu • Neal • Nelson • Neon • L. Nguyen • A. Nored • O'Herlihy • O'Hyr • Olag • E. Olaus • O'Neill • Onorax • Ordover • Organa • Osborne • O'Shay • Oyama • Paikert • Parham • Patten • Pauli • Phillips • Porter • Pulaski • F. Ragsdale • Rainer • E. Rayburn • Reems • Reichert • Rivera • Rizzo • B. Robinson • Rogers • Rojas • Rowe • Sanders • A. Schang • Shanti • Shea • Sheckley • Shimada • Silverman • Sinclair • Smith • Snnanagfashtalli • K. Spencer • J. Stanger • Steib • D. Steinberg • Sentell • Stragey • Suarez • Swenson • Tadaki • Thomas • J. Thompson • Thorton • Timmons • Tique • I. Tomson • Trancas • Tremayne • Trucco • Tuan • Tully • Tuthill • Ush • Valdini • J. van Dreenan • Van Pelt • Vierne • Vinci • M. Vorozh • Wein • Wheeler • J. Williams • Williams • Willis • B. Wilson • Wodsworth • Wolfman • Wood • Worsley • Wu
subsequent missions under Kirk & Spock J. Aragonés • M. A. Arrunja • Anderson • Barnes • Barrasso • M. Bergstresser • J. Byrnes • Carver • Castora • Chavez • Chavi'rru • P. Chekov • S. th'Clane • T. Collins • Corey • Davidson • Dobius • Emigh • Estano • Farnsworth • M. Fox • Friedman • Galloway • Garrison • Glaser • Gomez • L. Gottlieb • Gunderson • S. Hallie • M. Howard • Hrdina • Jaffe • Jagr • Keth • Kinitz • C. Lance • Larek • M. Latham • Lemieux • C. Leno • D. Markson • C. Matlock • S. Mendoza • Merlino • Mosley • Mullen • Murphy • M. Nizhoni • O'Grady • S. Ohara • Padilla • Paek • Pearson • J. Perez • Pfeiffer • Phillips • M. Publicker • Ralston • Ramirez • R. Randall • Recchi • Richardson • R'leez • Robinson • B. Robinson • Samuelsson • Santana • Sh'aow • Smith • Sternbach • B. St. John • D. Sweeney • Tagsut • Takashida • F. Tanka • Tate • Tenzing • T'Hesh • Tiilson • Tocchet • Todd • Trottier • Umeki • Vlastikovich • B. Wagner • Worene • J. Workman • Yendes • M. Z'ar • Zorn Federation icon image. x40px icon image.
see also: administrative personnel • communications personnel • engineering personnel • medical personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • unnamed (2240s and 2250s • 2260s • 2270s and 2280s)
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) medical personnel
under Charles Rasmussen & Robert April S. Poole-April • P. Boyce under Christopher Pike P. Boyce • G. Carlotti • Castelano • C. Chapel • M'Benga • Yang Federation icon image. Enterprise medical icon image. Starfleet Medical icon image.
under James T. Kirk
(first five-year mission)
R. Abrams • P. Aiello • M. AndrusTaurus • J. Brennan • C. Brent • P. Carmen • C. Chapel • Connors • E. Cortejo Alvarez • Darrell • E. Dehner • A. Dickinson • D. Dyson • Elayne • A. Erickson • A. Ferrara • Harrison • Hinch • Hoffman • C. Ivers • R. Leslie • J. Levine • L. Mayer • M'Benga • L.H. McCoy • Michaels • H. Noel • Z. Odhiambo • Peterson • S. Peterson • Pierson • M. Piper • Prentiss • M. Raymond • R. Rigel • Russell • I. Sanchez • I. Soong • Tail-Kinker to-Ennien • C. Thomas • Wallace • S. West • C. White
subsequent missions under Kirk & Spock Amekentra • L. Burke • C. Chapel • Duane • Guindon • T. Krejci • Liftig • L.H. McCoy • N. Moktar • Rixil • Spanla • H. Tanzer • Weinstein Federation icon image. Enterprise medical icon image. Starfleet Medical icon image.
see also: administrative personnel • communications personnel • engineering personnel • pilots & flight control personnel • security & tactical personnel • sciences personnel • senior staff • unnamed (2240s and 2250s • 2260s • 2270s and 2280s)

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