Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This character is a member of Quark's family.

Kono was a Ferengi man and a cousin of Quark and Rom. He was a known criminal.

Kono once attempted to break into the Vaults of Opulence to steal the original scroll of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. He was caught and exiled from Ferenginar. Quark considered that a family tragedy. (DS9 eBook: Rules of Accusation)

In 2370, he broke into a museum on Cardassia V and stole several valuable bone carvings. He later travelled to Deep Space 9 to sell the items to Quark, although when the personnel tried to talk to him, he beamed onto a departing Tellarite freighter. Kono later returned to the station when Quark was sure Kira Nerys would be distracted, although he was caught by station personnel. (DS9 episode: "Shadowplay")

Later, Kono helped Quark to record an audiobook that discussed the origins of the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition. He and Gaila reenacted the explorations of Dverl and Rauplop, who travelled to the depths of Ferenginar. (DS9 novel: Legends of the Ferengi)

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