Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki


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Set in 2315, Demora Sulu gives up command of the Enterprise in order to care for her terminally ill paternal grandmother, Shimizu Hana, on Sentik IV.



Shimizu Hana • John Harriman • Xintal Linojj • Ratnaswamy • Rosenzweig • Strolt • Demora Sulu • Zeeren • unnamed Axanar • unnamed Cardassian • unnamed Corvallen • unnamed Frunalian • unnamed Gorn • unnamed Otevrel • unnamed Tholian


Alaskon IV • Argelius II • The Captain's Table • Devron II • Entelior • Entelior IV • Kaiseki • New Tokyo • Sentik IV • Starbase 143 • Starbase Magellan • Temecklia II

Starships and vehicles[]

Armstrong (Starfleet shuttlecraft) • Mitrios (Starfleet shuttlecraft) • USS Enterprise (Excelsior-class)

Races and cultures[]

Alonis • Axanar • Cardassian • Corvallen • Frunalian • Gorn • Human • Orlenti • Otevrel • Tholian • Tzenkethi

States and organizations[]

Starfleet • Tzenkethi Coalition • United Federation of Planets

Other references[]

cabrodine • duotronic • infernite • Lom • Neo-Luddism • Tek • Tomed Incident • transporter inhibitor



Related stories[]

Star Trek: The Captain's Table stories
Novels War Dragons • Dujonian's Hoard • The Mist • Fire Ship • Once Burned • Where Sea Meets Sky
Tales from the Captain's Table short stories "Improvisations on the Opal Sea: A Tale of Dubious Credibility" • "Darkness" • "Pain Management" • "LoDnI'pu' vavpu' je" • "The Officers' Club" • "Have Beagle, Will Travel: The Legend of Porthos" • "Iron and Sacrifice" • "Seduced" • "An Easy Fast"


published order
Previous story:
Have Beagle, Will Travel: The Legend of Porthos
Tales from the Captain's Table short stories Next story:
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
Uninvited Admirals
1st flashback
Pocket Next Adventure:
Solace in Bloom
section 1
The above chronology placements are based on the primary placement in 2317.
The Pocket Books Timeline places events from this story in two other timeframes:
Previous Adventure:
Mind Meld
Chapter 16
2315 Next Adventure:
Uninvited Admirals
1st flashback
Previous Adventure:
Immortal Coil
Seventy Years Ago
2310 Next Adventure:
Serpents Among the Ruins