Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Zee-Magnees Prize was a prestigious award, comparable to the Nobel Prize of Earth, awarded to people who contributed a significant advancement to Federation society.

Dr. Richard Daystrom won this award in 2243, for his development of duotronics. (TOS: "The Ultimate Computer")

In 2256, Straal speculated that he and Paul Stamets would win the Zee-Magnees prize for their work on Mycelium spores. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")


Background information[]

Ira Graves' Zee Magnees certificate

Graves' Zee Magnees award

A certificate naming Dr. Ira Graves an honoree of the Zee Magnees Institute for Theoretical Research was created as set dressing for TNG: "The Schizoid Man", but did not end up on screen. The artwork was included in Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission (p. 76). The Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 513 also referenced the certificate being in the background of Ira Graves' laboratory, and that he won the prize for his work in positronic neural networks.

In the novel Memory Prime, the Zee-Magnees Prize is awarded at the same time as the Nobel, at the same ceremony. In Provenance of Shadows, Spock and Leonard McCoy are awarded the Zee-Magnees Prize for the discovery of chronitons. Starship Creator lists Lian T'Su as having won the Zee-Magnees Prize for her work in terraforming protocols.

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