Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

The following is a list of unnamed Yridians.

Chez Sandrine patron []

Yridian chez sandrine patron

An Yridian

This patron was leaving Chez Sandrine in Marseille on Earth in an alternate timeline experienced by Harry Kim in 2372, when Kim entered the bar. (VOY: "Non Sequitur")

This Yridian was played by regular background actor Louis Ortiz who filmed his scene on Friday 21 July 1995 on Paramount Stage 16.

The call sheet listed him as "Masked alien".

Dabo cheaters []

During his stint as a "Solid" in 2373, Odo had an embarrassing experience in which he was chasing these two dabo cheaters and instinctively jumped off the second level of the Promenade. He confessed to Sisko that he had intended to turn into a Tarkalean condor. Sisko thought doing so would have been impressive; Odo agreed, which made his experience all the more humiliating. (DS9: "Nor the Battle to the Strong")

These cheaters were only mentioned in dialogue.

Deep Space 9 resident []

This individual resided on Deep Space 9.

In 2369, he was talking to a Human female on the Promenade, shortly before the imaginations of the residents became reality. (DS9: "If Wishes Were Horses")

Later that year, he was talking to Morn and witnessed that a Bajoran vendor refused to sell a jumja stick to Chief Miles O'Brien. (DS9: "In the Hands of the Prophets")

In 2372, he was carousing the Promenade. (DS9: "Sons of Mogh")

This Yridian was talking to a Bajoran vedek when the two headed to one of the large windows on the upper level of the Promenade where they watched the fifth Dominion convoy pass the Bajoran wormhole. When Starfleet abandoned Deep Space 9 during the Dominion attack, he was one of the residents who listened to Captain Benjamin Sisko's speech in front of the Bajoran temple on the Promenade. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

He remained aboard Deep Space 9 in 2374 during the Dominion occupation of the station. He visited Quark's where he played a game headed by M'Pella and went shopping on the Promenade including a small shop with fragrances. (DS9: "A Time to Stand")

He visited Quark's and played a game of dabo headed by M'Pella at the same time when Jake Sisko asked Odo and Kira if he could join their rebellion. (DS9: "Sons and Daughters")

He was sitting at the bar in Quark's and ad a drink while Quark told Morn that he doesn't have to visit his mother for her birthday. He was still at Quark's and seated with two Bajoran women at a table in the background while Damar told Quark that the Dominion would be able to deactivate the minefield at the entrance of the Bajoran wormhole in less than a week. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")

This Yridian was played by unknown actors.

Deep Space 9 visitor []

Yridian DS9 visitor, 2373

An Yridian visitor

This Yridian visited Deep Space 9 in 2373 and was shopping on the Promenade where he was passed by Miles O'Brien shortly before Keiko O'Brien fell from the second level of the Promenade. Later, the Yridian was talking to another alien visitor and left with him while Miles O'Brian talked to Worf about Keiko's "accident". (DS9: "The Assignment")

This Yridian was played by regular alien background actor Bill Blair who filmed these scenes on Monday 9 September 1996. According to Blair, this alien was nicknamed "Shreck" by the makeup department.

Garak's debtee []

This debtee was owed money from Elim Garak. In 2371, Garak speculated that the Yridian in question might have attempted to murder him. (DS9: "Improbable Cause")

This debtee was only mentioned in dialogue.

Quark's dealer []

This dealer was the trader from whom Quark acquired a sick infant Changeling in 2373. (DS9: "The Begotten")

This dealer was only mentioned in dialogue.

Smuggler []

This smuggler had a bottle of Saurian brandy confiscated as evidence by Odo sometime around 2371. (DS9: "Facets")

This smuggler was only mentioned in dialogue.

Yranac's sister []

The sister of Yranac was the only reason the latter chose to speak with William T. Riker, during their search for Jean-Luc Picard. This after Worf explained that they were looking for the man who had impregnated Riker's "sister", who was, in the case of their ruse, Beverly Crusher.

He later bargained with Riker, stating, "Family honor is important. If someone had defiled my sister I would do anything, pay anything, to find the one responsible." (TNG: "Gambit, Part I")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.
