Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Yeager-type was a type of Federation starship in use during the 2370s.

The USS Yeager participated in Operation Return and was part of the defense force that protected Deep Space 9 throughout the duration of the war. (DS9: "Sacrifice of Angels")


The Yeager-type was a type of Intrepid-class variant, utilizing a standard Intrepid-class saucer section which is attached to a larger, and bulkier secondary hull. Two nacelles were attached to large wing-like appendages coming off the aft hull.

Ships of the class[]



Background information[]

This listing was based on the name of the only known vessel of its type, the Yeager itself.

For further information on the studio models, see: Yeager-type model


Star Trek Official Starships Collection issue 122

Issue #122

The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Technical Manual describes this vessel as an Intrepid-class starship variant, describing it as being among the ships "constructed from salvaged components, components in work, and custom assemblies fabricated by the individual fleet yards."

The following specifications were given in the DS9 Technical Manual:

According to issue #122 of the Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection, the Yeager-type was a Light cruiser with a length of 402.11 meters, an approximate crew of 204, and a top speed of warp 9.55. This class was equipped with phaser emitters, phaser cannons, and photon torpedoes. This resource states that Yeager was constructed from the saucer section of an Intrepid-class, and the rear hull of a Maquis raider.

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