Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A wedding ring was a type of ring associated with weddings.

In a Human wedding, there was a pair of wedding rings, which were exchanged by the couple during the ceremony and worn by them on one of their fingers afterwards. This ring was symbolic of the love the partners shared and of the vows they made during the ceremony.

Jett Reno continued to wear her wedding ring after the death of her Soyousian wife. (DIS: "Through the Valley of Shadows")

In 2375, during their wedding, Benjamin Sisko and Kasidy Yates exchanged rings. (DS9: "'Til Death Do Us Part")

Also that year, Lonzak presented "Queen Arachnia" with a wedding ring which she was supposed to present to her groom, Doctor Chaotica, at the end of the ceremony. (VOY: "Bride of Chaotica!")

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