Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Wadi ship was a starship used by the Wadi in the 24th century.

In 2369, a delegation of six Wadi traveled from the Gamma Quadrant to dock at Deep Space 9, via the Bajoran wormhole, in an effort to establish first contact with the Federation.

While Falow and Quark played Chula, George Primmin and Odo detected an energy flux on ship, being an intense bipolar current similar to a transporter burst, although this one was continuous; they speculated it was responsible for the senior staff's disappearance, who were transported to the game's virtual world. Odo transported onboard the Wadi ship to investigate, but when he reached the source of the flux, he was instantaneously transported back to Quark's. (DS9: "Move Along Home")

For more information on history of this studio model, please see DS9 studio models.
