Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Vulcan star charts

Vulcan star charts

The Vulcan star charts were a collection of star charts, and all pertinent information about the star systems visited by Vulcan starships and part of the Vulcan database.

In 2151, the Vulcans allowed the crew of the Earth Starfleet vessel Enterprise NX-01 to use the star charts to return Klaang to the Klingon homeworld Qo'noS. In exchange, however, Enterprise was to have a Vulcan liaison in the form of Sub-Commander T'Pol accompany them on their mission. During the mission, Travis Mayweather utilized the star charts to locate the Rigel system. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

After the mission to Qo'nos, Starfleet assigned Enterprise a course into sectors about which even the Vulcan star charts had only limited information. (ENT: "Fight or Flight")

Later that year, Trip Tucker told Captain Jonathan Archer that having access to the Vulcan star charts took "all the fun" out of being explorers, stating "where's the exploration in going places people have already been?" Archer, however, noted that it was a useful tool because they were all places that Earth Starfleet had not been. He also added that they may not have been as complete as the Vulcans led them to believe, after finding that a protostar they discovered the week prior was not on the charts. Enterprise's later visit to the monastery at P'Jem was based on the discovery of the planet in the star charts. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")
