Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Venatic class was a type of hunting starship employed by the Hirogen during 2370s.

This class of vessel, manned by a crew of roughly seventeen hunters, was considerably larger than both the standard Hirogen ship and the Starfleet Intrepid-class starship. The design also had a major flaw in its sensor system whereby its engines created a "blind spot" in the ship's aft section, in which smaller ships could hide and avoid sensor detection. They are capable of covering a half a light year in less than two hours.

In 2377, the USS Voyager exploited the blind spot weakness to secretly follow two Venatic-class ships that were pursuing a third ship crewed by Hirogen prey holograms into a nebula. They were later disabled by Voyager. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood")

According to the script, this class was described as (compared to past Hirogen ships) "new, larger HIROGEN VESSELS. Bigger than any we've seen before, they're at least twice the size of Voyager."

Script notes regarding the interior described that "The Beta-Hirogen is working at the Helm," and "NOTE: this may be a REDRESS of the Holograms' Bridge."

bIn Star Trek Online, vessels with this appearance are referred to as "Apex battleships" or "Apex Heavy Battlecruisers".
