Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Velara Base was a terraforming station established by the Federation's Terraform Command on the planet Velara III in 2360 for the purpose of terraforming the world. The base served as the main habitat for the project's four terraformers, containing both living quarters and laboratories. The base was abandoned in 2364 when Captain Jean-Luc Picard placed an indefinite quarantine on the planet after encountering the microbrain lifeform. (TNG: "Home Soil")

The main laboratory housed a large array of equipment such as a planetary imager, hydraulic landscaping pump and probe monitors, and a vegetation monitoring station. An adjoining section contained the hydraulic chamber which housed the pumps themselves as well as the laser drill that bored the holes into which they were placed. (TNG: "Home Soil")

Andrew Probert created an original matte painting for this base which was not used in the episode. It was sold to Paul M. Newitt in 1989. [1]

