Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Vega Reticuli was a planetary system.

A couple married in 1852 who were celebrating their three hundredth wedding anniversary on Risa were from a planet in this system. Captain Jonathan Archer met this couple while vacationing on the pleasure planet in 2152.

Archer met the couple while eating a seafood dinner from the deck of a small boat which sailed into the bay every evening after sunset. Archer relayed this encounter to Keyla the next night, confirming that the couple had "a lot of stories." (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")

This system was only mentioned in dialogue.

From the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 453, "Vega is a real star in the constellation Lyra, normally visible from the northern hemisphere. Reticuli normally refers to a star in the constellation Reticulum, which is in a different part of the sky, visible from the southern hemisphere. Obviously, in the future, astronomical naming conventions have changed."
