Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed space vessel lifeforms.

Bandi-encountered lifeform []

This lifeform was discovered to be injured by the Bandi on Deneb IV in 2364. They provided the creature only with enough energy to keep it alive, while they forced it to shape itself into whatever form they needed, specifically the first Farpoint Station and its grass. After its mate arrived and forced the Bandi from the station, the crew of USS Enterprise-D nourished the lifeform via the ship's phaser banks rigged to emit an energy beam, and it ascended into orbit with both beings departed the system for parts unknown. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

Enterprise-D-encountered lifeform []

This lifeform, taking the form of a space vessel, was the mate of the injured lifeform captured by the Bandi. Upon it arrival at Deneb IV, it attempted to free its companion by attacking the Old Bandi City. With the assistance of the crew of Enterprise-D, the creature was reunited with its mate, before they both departed for parts unknown. (TNG: "Encounter at Farpoint")

Rubidoux-encountered lifeform []

Space vessel lifeform, 2380

The newly-born space vessel lifeform, with the Cerritos

In 2380, a newborn of this species was born within the USS Rubidoux.

Initially, the Rubidoux crew, having recognized that it was feeding on the ship's energy, attempted to halt the creature's growth by turning off all power. However, when a team from the USS Cerritos, led by Captain Amina Ramsey, restored the ship's power, the creature resumed its growth. Fortunately, the ship's crewmembers and visitors were beamed aboard the Cerritos seconds before the Rubidoux was ultimately destroyed. (LD: "Much Ado About Boimler")
