Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)
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The following is a list of unnamed Delta Quadrant sectors.

Sector affected by rogue comet[]

This sector was colonized by several spacefaring civilizations originating from a single planet. Complex organisms on this planet would not have emerged without hydrocarbons supplied by a rogue comet designated Component 37329. In fact, if the comet had never existed, eight thousand civilizations and all life in an area of fifty light years would not have existed either. (VOY: "Year of Hell, Part II")

Sector containing Akritiri[]

This sector contained the inhabited planet Akritiri. It contained no natural sources of trilithium.

In 2373, the Voyager visited this sector. (VOY: "The Chute")

Sector containing Avery system[]

This sector contained the Avery system, which housed a Vidiian base. The sector was visited by USS Voyager in 2371. (VOY: "Faces")

Sector containing Hanon IV[]

In 2373, after the Voth scientists Forra Gegen made a startling discovery on Hanon IV, he called for mounting a sector-wide expedition in order to find the ship from which it originated. (VOY: "Distant Origin")

Sector containing Ilari[]

This sector contained the Ilari homeworld.

In 2373, the USS Voyager responded to a distress call from an Ilari ship that had come under attack. According to Adin, their vessel waw attacked and chased across half of this sector by mercenaries and theives. (VOY: "Warlord")

Sector containing Porakas IV[]

This sector, visited by Voyager in early 2372, contained the planet Porakas IV. The Porakan eggs from that planet were known as the most flavorful eggs in the sector. (VOY: "Flashback")

Sector containing Rinax[]

This sector contained Rinax, which featured the hottest summers in the sector. (VOY: "Macrocosm")

Since Rinax was a moon of Talax, Talax was presumably located in the same sector.

Sector containing the Takarian homeworld[]

This sector contained the Takarian homeworld. Six months before the Voyager visited this planet, the Barzan wormhole appeared in this world's system. When the Voyager was in the sector, the starship bombarded an area of subspace instability with verteron particles in a successful effort at bringing the wormhole back to the system. (VOY: "False Profits")

Sector in Nasari territory[]

Region near Taresia

The "region" Voyager was said to be in while in this sector; map includes the Taresian system

USS Voyager was welcomed into Nasari territory while passing through this sector in 2373.

The sector also contained a trinary star, of which Chakotay decided to mark the coordinates as it would be a good reference point for the sector. (VOY: "Favorite Son")

Sector in which Danara Pel was found[]

Voyager traversed this sector in 2372. Here, it found the distressed Vidiian ship carrying Dr. Danara Pel. No other Vidiian ships were detected in the sector. (VOY: "Lifesigns")

Sector scanned by Tom Paris[]

As part of his historic Warp 10 flight in 2372, Tom Paris collected data on every cubic centimeter of the sector Voyager was then in. Over five billion gigaquads of information were collected. (VOY: "Threshold")

Sector with large plasma drift[]

This sector, traversed by Voyager in 2372, contained a large plasma drift extending almost half its length. It also contained a Vidiian-controlled G-type star system and heavy Vidiian activity in general, with twenty Vidiian ships detected. (VOY: "Deadlock")

Sectors in Swarm territory[]

Based on what appeared to be the borders of the Swarm species' territory, they were extrapolated to occupy hundreds of sectors. (VOY: "The Swarm")

Supernova sector[]

In 2373, three stars within the same cluster went supernova in less then three days, due to the Q Civil War. (VOY: "The Q and the Grey")
