Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A list of personnel on the USS Intrepid (NCC-79520).



Captain []

The captain was the commanding officer of the Intrepid. According to Commander Ro Laren, she felt she couldn't trust the captain as she believed they were a Changeling. (PIC: "Imposters")

This captain was only mentioned in dialogue.

Comms officer []

This officer hailed the USS Titan-A to notify the crew to stand down and that a shuttle would be docking with them shortly. (PIC: "Imposters")

This character appeared as an off-screen voiceover.

This officer was voiced by an unknown actor.

Security officer #1 []

This rogue Changeling posed as a Human male security lieutenant commander on the USS Intrepid in 2401. It accompanied Commander Ro Laren on board the USS Titan-A and searched for Jack Crusher. Later the Changeling planted a bomb in Ro's shuttle, and escaped by beaming back to the Titan.

The Changeling then assumed another form, that of a Human male operations division Ensign, and confronted Jack Crusher, who killed it in a fight along with three other Changelings. (PIC: "Imposters")

Security officer #2 []

This rogue Changeling posed as a Human female security lieutenant commander on the USS Intrepid in 2401. It accompanied Commander Ro Laren on board the USS Titan-A and searched for Jack Crusher. Later, when its companion planted a bomb in Ro's shuttle, it escaped by beaming back to the Titan.

The Changeling then assumed another form, that of a Human female operations division ensign, and confronted Jack Crusher, who killed it in a fight along with three other Changelings. (PIC: "Imposters")

Security officers #3 and #4 []

These two rogue Changeling security officers beamed in when their two companions, also disguised as security officers, made contact that they had discovered Jack Crusher aboard the USS Titan-A. All four Changelings were then killed by Crusher. (PIC: "Imposters")
