Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Tyree was a planet located in a binary star system. The planet featured a desert and was enveloped by an ionized atmosphere that interfered with ship sensors.

In 2375, Benjamin Sisko traveled to Tyree with his father Joseph Sisko, his son Jake Sisko, and Ezri Dax to find the Orb of the Emissary, after receiving a series of visions from the Prophets of Bajor; the Orb was meanwhile hidden on the planet. After unearthing the Orb, Sisko opened its casing and released another Prophet, one who, decades earlier, had inhabited Sarah Sisko, in order to guide her to marry Joseph Sisko and, in turn, give birth to Benjamin Sisko. This Prophet had been lying in wait within the Orb of the Emissary until released by the Emissary of the Prophets so that it could return to the Bajoran wormhole and destroy a Pah-wraith that had entered it. (DS9: "Image in the Sand", "Shadows and Symbols")


Background information[]

Tyree is also the name of Captain Kirk's friend from the planet Neural in the Original Series episode "A Private Little War". In the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 598, Ira Steven Behr stated that the origin of the planet's name did not come from Michael Witney's character, but from Richard Harris' character of Captain Benjamin Tyreen in Sam Peckinpah's film Major Dundee.

Tyree seems likely to be proximate to Earth and more familiar among Federation citizens, since Captain Sisko casually mentions the planet, obviously expecting Jake and his father to know it. Indeed, the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 431 described Tyree as a planet in Federation space, also characterizing it as M-class.

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