Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Tyrannosaurus rex

A Tyrannosaurus rex skull

Tyrannosaurus rex was a species of Earth dinosaur.

After Jonathan Archer restored a damaged timeline, a Tyrannosaurus rex could be seen in the timestream as the timeline realigned itself. (ENT: "Storm Front, Part II")

Doctor Noonien Soong kept a Tyrannosaurus skull and several small models of this dinosaur in his laboratory on Terlina III. (TNG: "Brothers")

Although not specifically stated on screen, Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Cretaceous period.

The sound effects of the T-rex from Jurassic Park were used for the Vulcan six-legged creature appearing in DIS: "If Memory Serves".

According to Star Trek: The Next Generation set decorator Jim Mees, he rented the T. Rex skull seen in the episode "Brothers" from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. [1]

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