Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Trivas system was a star system located in Cardassian space until 2372, but abandoned by the Cardassians in that year. It was no more than three light years from the Bajoran system. The system was the location of the station Empok Nor.

The system did not feature prominently in the Dominion's plans for the Cardassian Union. (DS9: "Empok Nor")

According to Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 46) and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Stellar Cartography", pp. 18-19; "Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385") , the primary of the Trivas system was an M-class star. According to a map of the Cardassian Union – prepared by an anonymous astrography clerk, from the Cardassian Central Archives, in 2364 – Trivas was identified as a Cardassian system.

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