Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

In hunting, tracking was the ability or means of locating or pursing one's prey through the means of observation, stalking, and following the intended target's trail by traditional or technological means, such as tracking systems. The same means employed in tracking prey would also be used in studying or tracking other non-prey targets.

Magnus and Erin Hansen spent many years aboard the USS Raven tracking stray readings before finally locating their first Borg cube. They then tracked the cube at close range for nearly three years. During their study, the injected a Borg drone with a subdermal probe in order to track his movements within the cube, hoping to get them closer to the Borg Queen. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")

Hirogen hunters were highly skilled at tracking, and employed numerous levels of tracking technology to locate their prey. In 2377, Captain Kathryn Janeway admitted that the Hirogen had better tracking abilities than USS Voyager had. (VOY: "Flesh and Blood")

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