Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Tosk's ship

A Tosk starship docked with Deep Space 9

The Tosk's ship was a type of small spacecraft used by the Tosk during the late-24th century. Their engineering systems were equipped with arva nodes for collecting space matter and converting it into usable coladrium fuel. When in motion, the ship's engines also gave off detectable ionized L-band emissions, identical to that of the Hunters' ship.

In 2369, a single Tosk piloted a ship of this type through the Bajoran Wormhole from the Gamma Quadrant to Deep Space 9 in the Alpha Quadrant. The ship was damaged after being attacked by the Hunters, but Chief Miles O'Brien was able to repair it and assist the Tosk pilot in escaping his pursuers. (DS9: "Captive Pursuit")


According to the script notes on this design, it was described as "a small Vessel of radical design," adding that "[i]t's a single pilot vessel."

The interior of the ship was a redress of a set used for various alien ships and shuttles on Star Trek: The Next Generation, beginning with Arridor's shuttle in "The Price". It had most recently been used as Berlinghoff Rasmussen's time-pod in "A Matter Of Time". [1]

For more information on history of the studio model used to represent the exterior of Tosk's ship, please see: TNG studio models.
