Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Til'amin froth was a beverage.

Til'amin froth was served in the Ten Forward lounge on the USS Enterprise-D. In 2370, Commander Riker ordered two of them for himself and his date Lieutenant Corell. (TNG: "Eye of the Beholder")

In 2373, Jadzia Dax ordered a Til'amin froth at Quark's. (DS9: "Empok Nor")

Quark was known for his "famous Til'amin froths." Julian Bashir was in the mood for one in 2374, but was informed by Miles O'Brien that he would "have to settle for something else" because Quark was unavailable. (DS9: "Who Mourns for Morn?")

Ezri Dax later ordered a Til'amin froth at Quark's in 2375. (DS9: "Covenant")


Background information[]

This beverage, spelled as "Tilaman froth", appeared in an ultimately unused scene from the first draft script of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine seventh season episode "The Changing Face of Evil". In that script, Ezri Dax again ordered a Tilaman froth at Quark, while she spoke with Bashir about their "complicated" relationship. Before Ezri could get a chance to tell him that she was in love with him, however, Bashir was called away to his medical duties. Quark returned with Ezri's drink, saying it was "chilled just the way you like it." Frustrated about her situation with Bashir, Ezri then unenthusiastically thanked Quark for the drink.

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