Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Tholos was a member of the Andorian Imperial Guard serving under Commander Thy'lek Shran in the 2150s.

In June 2151, Tholos was a member of the landing party led by Shran attempting to discover a hidden listening post at the Vulcan monastery at P'Jem. Their search coincided with the arrival of a landing party from Enterprise NX-01, leading the Andorians to assume the Humans were working with the Vulcans. Tholos assisted Shran in interrogating Captain Jonathan Archer, and threatened Sub-Commander T'Pol, who was being held captive along with the rest of the Vulcan monks. Tholos was stunned by Lieutenant Malcolm Reed in a firefight with a rescue team from Enterprise, a confrontation which eventually revealed the underground location of the spy station. (ENT: "The Andorian Incident")

Later that year, Tholos accompanied Shran to Coridan on a mission to assist the Enterprise crew in freeing Archer and T'Pol from a rebel faction which had taken them hostage. Their rescue attempt was interrupted, however, by a Vulcan commando force which initiated an assault on the rebel compound. (ENT: "Shadows of P'Jem")


Background information[]

Tholos was played by actor Steven Dennis. The name Tholos originated from the source's script.

Dennis filmed his scenes for "The Andorian Incident" between Wednesday 22 August 2001 and Tuesday 28 August 2001 on Paramount Stage 8 and 9. His costume from this episode was later sold off on the It's A Wrap! sale and auction on eBay.[1]

In the first draft script of "The Andorian Incident" (which had the working title "Incident at P'Jem"), Tholos was described as "Shran's excitable major domo." In the final draft script for "The Andorian Incident", Tholos was referred to as Shran's first officer. In the script for "Shadows of P'Jem" (both the first draft and the final draft), Tholos was referred to as Shran's lieutenant.

In the first draft script of "Shadows of P'Jem", Tholos thought up the strategy of sending Commander Trip Tucker and Lieutenant Reed into the Coridanite rebel compound first; he realized that would draw the rebels' weapons fire, making the Andorians less of a target. However, Tholos doesn't suggest this on-screen, merely saying about Tucker and Reed, "They could be useful."

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