Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Third Battalion, First Order was a Cardassian battalion in the 24th century. It fielded a special regimental badge and was renowned for the fanaticism of its soldiers. "Death to all" was the battalion's motto.

When the Cardassians abandoned Empok Nor in 2372, they left behind three soldiers of this battalion in stasis chambers as part of an experiment. The soldiers were given a psychotropic drug to exacerbate their xenophobic tendencies. When the station was boarded by a Starfleet salvage team from Deep Space 9 a year later, two of the soldiers awakened from stasis and killed several team personnel before being eliminated by Garak. (DS9: "Empok Nor")

Pechetti referred to the Third Battalion in the past tense, suggesting that the unit had been disbanded prior to 2372.

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