Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

The Wages of Fear (Le salaire de la peur) was a classic French film from the year 1953 starring Yves Montand.

This film was found in the motion picture library aboard Enterprise NX-01 in 2152. Ensign Travis Mayweather convinced Lieutenant Malcolm Reed to attend by telling Malcolm that "things blow up," to which the armory officer responded with interest. Hoshi Sato did not attend the screening because she wanted to turn in early. After having had so many problems dealing with the Kreetassan language, she didn't want to bother with another foreign language (French), despite Reed's insistence that they needed a translator, as the subtitles went by quickly.

Crewman Michael Rostov was also looking forward to watching it, but on the night it was played, he ended up getting tangled in an alien lifeform with J. Kelly, Jonathan Archer and Charles Tucker III. Captain Archer promised Rostov that the movie would be replayed another night. (ENT: "Vox Sola")

This film was directed by Henri-Georges Clourot. The film's synopsis, from the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 476, was that it was about a "small team of men who risk their lives to use unstable nitroglycerin explosives in an attempt to extinguish a petroleum-well fire."

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