Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Alternate timeline
(covers information from an alternate timeline)
Janeway's Coalition

The Coalition

A coalition was a temporary alliance of distinct parties, formed for joint action.


In an alternate 2374 an coalition between the USS Voyager, the Mawasi, and the Nihydrons was forged for the purpose of combating the Krenim weapon ship during the Year of Hell. This coalition was formed on October 29, 2374 by Voyager's Captain, Kathryn Janeway, after the failure of her crew's repair efforts. Her remaining officers were transferred to the Mawasi cruisers and the Nihydron warships while Janeway herself remained aboard Voyager.

Their coalition allowed the Mawasi and Nihydron vessels to be quickly upgraded with temporal shielding technology acquired from Voyager. Thirty-one days later, on November 29, the Coalition engaged the weapon ship. The Coalition previously expected Tom Paris, who was being held aboard the weapon ship, to disable the ship's temporal core, however Paris failed to disable the core before the Coalition arrived. As a consequence, the Nihydron vessels were erased by the weapon ship after the first attack. Shortly afterward, the weapon ship's first officer Obrist deactivated the temporal core, bringing his ship back into alignment with normal space.

Before the Coalition could destroy the weapon ship, the vessel's conventional weapons disabled all Coalition members. Out of options, Janeway rammed the weapon ship at the location of the temporal core. Before she did, she convinced the surviving vessels to drop their temporal shields, believing that if the weapon ship was destroyed, the prime timeline would be restored. This proved correct, as following Voyager's destruction, the temporal core destabilized and initiated a temporal incursion on the ship itself.

This had the effect of removing the weapon ship, and all of his effects on the timeline, from history, creating a timeline in which the Year of Hell never occurred. (VOY: "Year of Hell, Part II")

List of coalitions[]

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