Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


Gannet was a Human news reporter who lived on the planet Earth in the mid-2150s.

In 2155, Gannet provided news coverage of a conference on Earth whose goal was the establishment of a Coalition of Planets. During this period she came aboard the Enterprise, where the crew later discovered that she had reconfigured her universal translator at the conference on Earth to record messages from all the other translators and had been spying on the delegates there. Most of the Starfleet officers suspected that Gannet was a member of the xenophobic organization Terra Prime. However, Ensign Mayweather believed that Gannet may have simply been doing undercover research for a news report.

Gannet later revealed that she was actually working for Starfleet Intelligence, not Terra Prime. In an attempt to explain why she had not revealed her true mission earlier, Gannet said that she was aware that a Terra Prime agent could possibly be operating on board Enterprise. Her own identity would have been compromised if she had attempted to contact the head of her division.
