Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Benjamin Sisko, 2375

Benjamin Lafayette Sisko

Benjamin Lafayette Sisko was a famous Starfleet officer best remembered for his seven-year assignment commanding station Deep Space 9 in the Bajor sector. After discovering the Bajoran wormhole, he became known to the Bajoran people as the Emissary of the Prophets. He fought the Borg at the Battle of Wolf 359 and was a key player in the Dominion War.

Sisko was born in 2332 in New Orleans, Earth. His mother had been possessed by a Prophet – a non-linear alien species which lived in the then-undiscovered Bajoran wormhole. The Prophet had used Sarah Sisko to ensure that Benjamin would be born and take his rightful place as Emissary of the Prophets.

Sisko met his future wife, Jennifer, soon after graduating from Starfleet Academy in 2354. The two produced a son, Jake. Tragically, Jennifer was killed at Wolf 359 in 2367. Three years later, Sisko was assigned to command Deep Space 9, with he and his son residing on the Cardassian-built space station. Although he intended to resign from Starfleet at this point, his subsequent encounter with the Prophets allowed him to let go of the past and remain aboard Deep Space 9 to fulfill his duty – and his destiny.
