Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Charles Tucker III shedding tears.

Tear ducts were found between the eyes and the nose, and served the purpose of tear drainage and physiological response of extreme emotion in most species, otherwise known as crying.

Artificial tear ducts were included in Soong-type androids. (TNG: "Inheritance"; Star Trek Generations)

Data crying

Data crying after finding Spot

The tears of female Elasians caused men's hearts to be enslaved if they came in contact with their flesh. (TOS: "Elaan of Troyius")

In 2370, when Juliana Tainer was found to be a Soong-type android, it was discovered she possessed tear ducts. (TNG: "Inheritance")

Klingons were known to lack tear ducts. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)

However, their lack of tear ducts did not appear to mean that they couldn't cry: Klingon myth states that Kahless once filled the ocean with his tears, and at least one Klingon, Kurn, produced tears. (TNG: "Birthright, Part II"; DS9: "Sons of Mogh")

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