Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Talosians.

Ancestors []

These original Talosians were the first to come underground on Talos IV. Over the generations they concentrated on developing their mental power, and eventually forgot how to repair the machines left behind by these ancestors. Those descendants became stagnant, and instead chose to relive the lives left behind in the thought record, over and over. (TOS: "The Cage")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.


Observers []

In all, thousands of observers were probing the thoughts of Christopher Pike following his arrival and captivity on Talos. The first observer then reported to the magistrate that "we find excellent memory capacity." (TOS: "The Cage ", "The Menagerie, Part II")

These thousands were only mentioned in dialogue.

The Keeper, along with three other observers, appeared in a photograph that was displayed on the wall of a bar at Starbase 25 in 2381. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

Observer 1 []

Talosian observer 1

1st Talosian

This observer was part of a group that maintained the Talosian menagerie on Talos IV.

He along with the Keeper attempted to determine what species they could use to recolonize their planet. They would use illusions to test the subjects. After he examined the Enterprise's ship records, he learned that Humans possess a strong hatred of captivity, and were unsuitable for breeding. (TOS: "The Cage")

They were one of the four shown in the photograph that appeared on the bar wall on Starbase 25. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

The 1st Talosian was played by Georgia Schmidt. Her vocals were performed by Robert C. Johnson.

Observer 2 []

Talosian observer 2

2nd Talosian

This observer was part of three Talosians that captured different species to determine if they could be used to recolonize their planet.

After studying the Enterprise's ship records, he determined that Humans could not stand captivity and would be too dangerous to use for the recolonization. (TOS: "The Cage")

They were one of the four shown in the photograph that appeared on the bar wall on Starbase 25. (LD: "An Embarrassment Of Dooplers")

The 2nd Talosian was played by Serena Sande.

Observer 3 []

Talosian observer 3

3rd Talosian

This observer was the first Talosian Christopher Pike saw in the underground caverns of Talos IV. (TOS: "The Cage")

The Talosian was played by Felix Silla. His scene was shot using forced perspective, making the Talosian menagerie look larger.

Observer 4 []

Talosian observer 4

4th Talosian

This observer accompanied the Magistrate and two other Talosians to take a look at their latest specimen, Captain Christopher Pike. (TOS: "The Cage")

The 4th Talosian was played by an individual known simply as Barker.

Observer 5 []

Talosian observer 5

5th Talosian

This observer was present alongide the Keeper during the treatment of a mentally incapacitated Spock. (DIS: "If Memory Serves")

Played by Dee Pelletier.

Observer 6 []

Talosian observer 6

6th Talosian

This observer was present alongide the Keeper during the treatment of a mentally incapacitated Spock. (DIS: "If Memory Serves")

Played by Nicole Dickinson.

Observer 7 []

Talosian observer 7

7th Talosian

This observer was part of the group of Talosians who maintained the menagerie in the underground caverns of Talos IV and passed the Keeper near the cage of Captain Pike. (TOS: "The Cage")

This Talosian was played by background actress Sandra Gimpel who received no credit for her appearance. She filmed this scene on Wednesday 16 December 1964 on Desilu Culver Stage 15.
