Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

A superstition was a non sequitur held by an individual or a group.

In 2266, Roger Korby asked James T. Kirk rhetorically if he realized how many discoveries were lost because of ignorance and superstition. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")

In 2268, Spock asked Doctor McCoy to wish him luck before he drove a shuttlecraft into the space amoeba, referring to it as one of the doctor's own superstitions. (TOS: "The Immunity Syndrome")

In 2269, Spock attributed Scotty's and McCoy's feeling of being watched to "latent primal superstition." (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

In 2270, Spock said that the Kzinti had legends of weapons being haunted by their dead owners. Once Spock safely returned to a shuttlecraft after Chuft-Captain activated the Slaver weapon's self-destruct setting, Spock called the belief an ancient superstition, leading Nyota Uhura to reply, "At this rate, they'll never get over those ancient superstitions." (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon")

In 2365, Data perceived Miles O'Brien's assertion that his luck at poker was always better if he sat to the right of the Dealer as superstition. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man")

In 2373, Gul Dukat referred to the Bajoran religion as "backward superstitions." (DS9: "In Purgatory's Shadow")

That same year, when Captain Kathryn Janeway expressed her difficulties with mastering the Tak Tak language to Neelix, he replied that it seemed to him that many of their gestures were ritualistic in nature and possibly even superstitious. (VOY: "Macrocosm")

The term "superstition" was additionally referenced in an ultimately unused line of dialogue from the final draft script of TOS: "Charlie X", in which Spock asked Dr. McCoy if he wanted him to arrange for McCoy to give Charles Evans, who McCoy had just been ordered to mentor, some "voodoo and superstition lessons."

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