Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Suliban helix falls apart

A helix falls apart by reversing the polarity of its maglocks

A Suliban helix was a massive spiral-shaped space station used by the Suliban Cabal. Helices were formed by combining of hundreds of cell ships, as well as other cell ship like components, around a central core, and was capable of housing at least three thousand personnel.

Enterprise NX-01 discovered one located in a class seven gas giant while searching for the Klingon Klaang in 2151. Located aboard the helix was a chamber used by Silik for communicating with his master from the future. The helix's cell ships were separated once the polarity of the maglocks was reversed by Captain Jonathan Archer. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

After Archer and Travis Mayweather had been exploring some strange energy readings near a Tandaran moon in 2152, they were captured by the Tandarans. When they saw the Suliban who were detained with them at Detention Complex 26, Archer thought that the energy readings might have come from a helix. (ENT: "Detained")

Enterprise at Suliban helix

Enterprise held at the helix

Another helix was later found in a deep red nebula near Paraagan II. It was from here that the Cabal's mission to destroy the Paraagan mining colony was planned. After being captured by the Cabal in March 2152, Enterprise was taken to this helix, though it later escaped. (ENT: "Shockwave, Part II")


Background information[]

Suliban helix cell

Cell ship like component

The original helix in "Broken Bow" had a unique cell component not seen in the other helix in "Shockwave, Part II". This cell was similar to the spherical cell ships, but had an elongated central section. If this was a ship like the others, it would be a step between the spherical and cylindrical cell ships.

The script of ENT: "Cold Front" makes it clear that that episode's teaser was intended to be set aboard a Suliban helix.

According to the Star Trek: Star Charts (p. 61), the first Suliban helix was located in the Beta Quadrant.

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