Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ingratiation was when someone offered flattery, typically in an insincere, obsequious, or servile manner, such as through grovelling or fawning, to gain advantage from a superior or potential superior. Slang terms that described one who committed such tendencies included: "suck up", "kiss tail", "boot licker", or "toady".

Success in the Ferengi Alliance was dependent on "hard work, bribes, [and] sucking up to the boss." (DS9: "Family Business") This was so ingrained into Ferengi society that it was even made their thirty-second Rules of Acquisition: "It never hurts to suck up to the boss." (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")

When Grand Nagus Zek contacted Quark in 2370 to announce his return to Deep Space 9, Quark acknowledged how he had "looked forward to [his] return". Zek zoomed in on Quarks comment and responded, "still the perfect little toady, eh, Quark?" In response, he admitted "I try to be." (DS9: "Rules of Acquisition")

After Quark had the Prophets returned Grand Nagus Zek to his former self in 2371, he asked if he was all right, Zek replied, "Oh stop toadying up to me, Quark. It's revolting. Just get me out of here." (DS9: "Prophet Motive")

When Brunt believed that Quark was going to be named Grand Nagus in 2375, he arrived and began praising the (alleged) future Nagus, claiming " It's never too early to suck up to the boss." Though much of the power of the Nagus had been given to the Congress of Economic Advisors, a concern Quark and Brunt shared, Brunt assured that "you'll still be a powerful man. I wouldn't be sucking up to you otherwise." (DS9: "The Dogs of War")

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