Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

List of unnamed Federation starships of the Steamrunner-class.

See Unnamed Earth starships for a 22nd century starship that looks suspiciously like this class.

Utopia Planitia Shipyards []

Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards

Under construction

In 2371, at least one of these starships was being constructed at the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit of Mars. (VOY: "Relativity")

This appearance is the earliest chronologically dated, in-universe appearance in the series, showing that the class was in service at least two years prior to its 2373 appearance in Star Trek: First Contact.

Battle of Sector 001 []

In mid-2373, these starships, along with the USS Appalachia, fought against the Borg in the Battle of Sector 001. At least five of these ships were destroyed. (Star Trek: First Contact)

Although not identified visually, it is possible that one of these ships was either the USS Appalachia (Star Trek Encyclopedia, 3rd ed., p. 18) or USS Hiroshima. (Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 519)

Second Fleet []

Second Fleet

Several Steamrunner-class ships in the Second Fleet

In late 2373, several of these starships belonged to the Second Fleet.

While the Dominion attacked Deep Space 9, during the second Battle of Deep Space 9, several of these vessels crossed the Cardassian border and destroyed the Dominion shipyards on Torros III. These ships later joined with the USS Defiant and IKS Rotarran, following the evacuation of DS9, for a counterattack against the Dominion forces. (DS9: "Call to Arms")

Operation Return []

This starship was one of at least two that participated in the Operation Return battle of the Dominion War in 2374. (DS9: "Favor the Bold")

DS9 patrol []

This starship, along with an Akira-class starship and a Saber-class starship, were on patrol near Deep Space 9 in mid-2374 through early-2375. (DS9: "Statistical Probabilities", "The Magnificent Ferengi", "Afterimage")

The trio later became a duo, with the departure of their Akira-class partner, mid-year. (DS9: "Field of Fire")

First Battle of Chin'toka []

Federation Alliance fleet

In late 2374, this at least one of these starships was part of the Federation assault fleet that attacked the Chin'toka system. (DS9: "Tears of the Prophets")

Second Battle of Chin'toka []

Steamrunner class, 2375

This starship participated in the second Battle of Chin'toka where it was destroyed by the Breen. (DS9: "The Changing Face of Evil")

Battle of Cardassia []

Federation Alliance, Romulan-Federation fleet

In late 2375, at least one of these starships was part of the Federation Alliance fleet that was engaged by the Dominion defending Cardassia Prime. (DS9: "What You Leave Behind")

This scene was reused footage from "Tears of the Prophets" with the planets in the background removed and replaced with empty space.

Earth defense fleet []

USS Voyager's reunion with Starfleet

Among the fleet

In mid-2378, this starship, stationed near the Sol system, was dispatched by Admiral Owen Paris to a defensive point near an opening Borg transwarp aperture near Earth.

This ship, along with a task force of several other Federation starships, opened fire on the emerging Borg sphere, and assisted in its destruction. Following the emergence of USS Voyager from the debris, the starships assisted in escorting Voyager back to Earth. (VOY: "Endgame")
