Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a production point of view)

Last Unicorn Games role playing games. All of the books use the same rules based on the "Icon system" and thus complement each other.

Published guidebooks[]

Star Trek: The Next Generation Role Playing Game[]

TNG Core Game Book

TNG Core Game Book

The Star Trek: The Next Generation series focuses principally on United Federation of Planets and Starfleet.

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Roleplaying Game[]

DS9 Core Game Book

DS9 Core Game Book

The Star Trek: Deep Space Nine series is darker, focusing on worlds outside the UFP and developing characters in margin of Federation values (i.e. smuggler, spy, etc.)

Star Trek (TOS) Roleplaying Game[]

TOS Core Game Book

TOS Core Game Book

The Star Trek: The Original Series series focuses on the 23rd century.

Star Trek: The Expanded Universe[]

All Our Yesterdays (Last Unicorn) cover

All Our Yesterdays

"The Expanded Universe" series focuses on common themes to all the series, including time travel and new starships.

eBook supplements[]

Official supplements were also, at that time, available on Last Unicorn Games website under the name "LUG Icon Link."

  • A Fragile Peace Maps (1999 PDF)
  • The Next Generation Player's Guide (1999)
  • The Crusoe Effect (1999 PDF)
  • Holodeck AdventuresThe Skull And The Sword (1999 PDF)
  • Starfleet Academy (1999 PDF)
  • Starfleet Academy Sol System map (1999 PDF)
  • The Way of D'era – The Tal Diann (1999)
  • The Way of D'era – Soldiers of the Planetary Command (1999)
  • The Way of D'era – Vel'Tar Class Dropship (1999)
  • TNG Data Forms (1999 PDF)
  • Raiders, Renegades & Rogues (2000 PDF)
  • DS9 Core Game Book – Preview 1, 2, 3, and 4 (1999 PDF)
  • Deep Space Nine Narrator's Toolkit preview (1999 PDF)
  • DS9 Data Forms (1999 PDF)
  • TOS Character Data Sheet (1999 PDF)
  • Among the Clans supporting material (1999 PDF)
  • Among the Clans preview (1999 PDF)
  • The Klingon Empire: Blood And Honor – Preview 1 and 2 (2000 PDF)
  • Starfleet Enlisted Rank Insignia


Unpublished content[]

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Unpublished books[]

  • Final Frontiers: The Star Trek Films
  • The Star Trek Guide to Parallel Planets: Hodgkin's Law
  • The Klingon Empire: Blood and Honor
  • (LUG 25302) Operation Stormbird: The Neutral Zone Campaign Vol. 2
  • The Starfleet Exploration Handbook: To Boldly Go
  • The Starfleet Security Handbook
  • Call of the Prophets: The Bajorans
  • Dominion War: The Fires of Armageddon
  • Merchants & Traders: The Latinum Main
  • The Cardassian Union: Iron and Ash
  • Through a Glass Darkly: The Mirror Universe
  • The Starfleet Starship Construction Manual Vol. 1: Spacedock
  • The Starfleet Starship Recognition Manual Vol. 1: The Ships of Starfleet
  • The Borg
  • (LUG 35002) Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Player's Guide
  • The Orion Syndicate
  • The Rigel System
  • The Dominion Companion
  • (LUG 55000) Star Trek: Voyager Core Game Book
  • Sky Princes of Orion

Additional author notes[]

Some LUG writers published additional content on the work they had done on the unpublished books online.

Untaken Treks - The Unpublished LUGTrek Work of S. John Ross(X)

  • The Deltans (Final Frontiers)
  • The Regulans (Final Frontiers)
  • Rigel III (Sky Princes Of Orion)
  • Narrating In Klingon (The Klingon Empire)
  • To Serve And Protect: The Security Campaign (The Starfleet Security Handbook)
  • Mirror Andoria (Through A Glass Darkly)
  • Distant Ports Call (Merchants & Traders)
  • Exploration For The Narrator (To Boldly Go)

Star Trek: The Lost Episodes (Steve Kenson)(X)

  • Ash & Iron: The Cardassians – Chapters 4, 5, and 6
  • Blood & Honor: The Klingons – Chapters 2 and 8
  • Merchants & Traders – Chapters 5 and 8
  • The Starfleet Security Handbook – Chapters 2 and 4
  • Through A Glass Darkly: The Mirror Universe – Chapters 1, 2, 5, and 6

Spacedock! (Steven S. Long)

  • Spacedock – The Advanced Starship And Construction Manual (2000 PDF)
  • Spacedock – Ship Recognition Manual 1 – The Ships of Starfleet (2000 PDF)
  • Spacedock – Ship Recognition Manual 2 – The Cardassian Union (2001 PDF)
  • Spacedock – Ship Recognition Manual 3 – The Klingon Empire (2001 PDF)
  • Spacedock – Ship Recognition Manual 4 – Original Series Era (2002 PDF)
  • Spacedock – Ship Recognition Manual 5 – The Romulan Star Empire (2006 PDF)
  • DS9 The Dominion War Sourcebook – The Fires of Armageddon (2001 PDF)

External links[]
