Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Real world article
(written from a Production point of view)

Issue 140 (US issue #13) of Star Trek Magazine was the September/October 2008 issue. The magazine was a 100-page Star Trek: The Original Series special, and was perfect-bound. The "A Fistful of Data" feature does not appear in this issue.


Back to Basics
Paul Simpson on the approach taken for this issue's features, as well as new features upcoming.
Hailing Frequencies
From this issue, this section incorporates the formerly separate Communicator page.
Interview – Zoe Saldana – "Reopening Hailing Frequencies"
by Paul Simpson.
Celebrating Star Trek
Focusing on Star Trek: The Original Series.
Interview – William Shatner – "Embracing the Universe"
by Ian Spelling.
Season 1
In Living ColorJill Sherwin looks at the role colour played in The Original Series' success.
Up Above the GodsPatrick Jankiewicz talks to Gary Lockwood.
Lost and FoundLarry Nemecek reveals an image from the filming of "The Man Trap".
Robert Justman Remembered
A previously unpublished interview by Ian Spelling, conducted in August 2006.
Season 2
Sneaking the TruthMichael A. Martin on the use of allegory by Gene Roddenberry, to tell stories no one else could.
Wreathed in Glory – Patrick Jankiewicz speaks with Michael Forest.
Eye of the Beholder
New feature, an opinion column.
Diane Duane talks about falling in love with Star Trek twice.
Season 3
Third Time the Charm?Keith R.A. DeCandido looks at the strengths of the much-maligned season.
Marta-Dom – Patrick Jankiewicz interviews Yvonne Craig.
Larry Nemecek talks to Dave Rossi, Michael Okuda and Denise Okuda on the Remastered Original Series, discussing some of their favorite shots.
Continues next issue.
Star Trek: The Animated Series
Animating the Final FrontierDayton Ward and Kevin Dilmore discuss the changes required for the new format, as well as its limitations.
Author's Logs: SupplementalAlan Dean Foster discusses the Star Trek Logs with Dilmore and Ward.
The Voice of the Hidden Waterfall
David R. George III discusses the myth of the "emotionless" Vulcan as seen in The Original Series
What's in a Name? – the use of "Vulcanian" in The Original Series.
Star Trek movies
Creating a New GenerationTerri Osborne on the role that family played in the Original Series movies.
Down and Dirty – Calum Waddell talks with Ken Ralston on creating the special effects for the Star Trek movies.
Rewriting HistoryDavid Mack on the ability of the novel series Star Trek: Vanguard to expand on the universe of The Original Series, and establish connections between historical events seen in the series.
Earning His Stripes – Paul Simpson looks at the early life of James T. Kirk as revealed in the series and novels.
Book extract
Star Trek: DestinyGods of Night
Includes an introduction from author David Mack on the nature of the crossover event.
Star Trek 101
Paul Simpson talks with Terry J. Erdmann and Paula M. Block, authors of the forthcoming reference work.
Novels: Night of the Wolves, Dawn of the Eagles; Fearful Symmetry; These Haunted Seas.
Comics: "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns", "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow"; "Turnaround, Part II", "Turnaround, Part III"; "Matters of the Mind", "Disgrace"; "Enterprise Experiment, Part 2".
Issue 139 Star Trek Magazine
Issue 140 – September/October 2008
Issue 141