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Real world article
(written from a Production point of view)
Star Trek Science vs Fiction

Opening titles of the Star Trek: Science vs. Fiction documentary television series

Star Trek: Science vs. Fiction was a German-language series of fifteen short documentaries which aired on the Sci Fi television channel in Germany.

Featuring astrophysicist Dr. Harald Lesch as its host, the series focused on the feasibility of the technologies shown within the Star Trek franchise and their real-world application. Most episodes spanned about six to eight minutes in length. The series was first broadcast in September 2006 to commemorate Star Trek's 40th anniversary.


  • 01 - Impuls- und Warpantrieb
  • 02 - Außerirdische Lebensformen - Wie sehen sie aus?
  • 03 - Wurmlöcher und Schwarze Löcher
  • 04 - Zeitreisen
  • 05 - Holodeck und Hologramme
  • 06 - Außerirdische Lebensformen - Kommen sie uns besuchen?
  • 07 - Radare, Sensoren und Tricorder
  • 08 - Androiden
  • 09 - Laser, Phaser und Photonentorpedos
  • 10 - Der Traktorstrahl
  • 11 - Deflektorschilde
  • 12 - Das Beamen
  • 13 - Geräusche und Flammen im All
  • 14 - Distanzen im Universum
  • 15 - Der Subraum