Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Klingon alloy spectrograph

A spectrographic analysis of a Klingon alloy

Also known as spectrometry, spectrography, spectral analysis (aka spectral line profile analysis), or spectroscopic analysis, a spectrographic analysis was a process in sensor technology in which chemical elements were determined by measuring the wavelengths or spectral line intensity of a sample of matter. The wavelength or spectral line could be obtained by a form of excitation such as infrared.

Aboard the USS Enterprise-D, spectral analysis fell under the Stellar sciences department and employed at least several people. (TNG: "Lessons")

In 2151, Enterprise NX-01 conducted a spectral analysis of fragments of the warp trail of a Suliban cell ship. (ENT: "Broken Bow")

In 2154, Enterprise deduced that a debris cloud existed around a planet by creating a spectrographic analysis. Such an analysis was also used for detecting Klingon alloy as part of the hull plating. (ENT: "Observer Effect")

Spectrography was also used by the geological lab aboard the USS Enterprise in 2254, to determine which elements would be encountered on the surface of Talos IV. Spectrographic scans determined, in the geological lab report, that Talos had an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere, with a surface heavy with inert elements. (TOS: "The Cage")

In 2265, Doctor Leonard McCoy had the lab run a bio-analysis on Enterprise crewmembers who had become infected with polywater intoxication. The lab's spectrography readings showed no contamination, nor any unusual elements. (TOS: "The Naked Time")

In 2266, a distant spectrograph on board the Enterprise detected the metallic signature of the Fesarius as it approached the Federation ship. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver")

A deleted scene from "The Menagerie, Part II" mentioned a spectrograph beam as being instrumental in determining which circuits Spock had sabotaged to send the Enterprise to Talos IV. In the script, McCoy and Scott utilized it to detect copper salts present in the Vulcan's perspiration. [1]

In 2269, Spock ran a spectral analysis on the dead star Questar M-17, which revealed imploded matter. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")

Orion vessels emitted a unique trail of radioactive waste that was visible on a spectral analysis. (TAS: "The Pirates of Orion")

In 2364, when a transmitter on Geordi La Forge's VISOR was broadcasting a live feed, Captain Jean-Luc Picard interpreted a fissure in a bulkhead on the Batris as being like a spectrograph of metal fatigue. La Forge confirmed the interpretation. (TNG: "Heart of Glory")

When Geordi La Forge tried to find out what had caused the mysterious disappearance of his former crewmates of the USS Victory on Tarchannen III, he ran a spectrographic analysis, among other things. The analysis, however, was without results. (TNG: "Identity Crisis")

A full spectrographic analysis, run by Data, revealed that the Crystalline Entity that destroyed Melona IV in 2368 was the same creature that had also devastated Omicron Theta in 2338. (TNG: "Silicon Avatar")

In 2369, when investigating a holosuite where Ibudan was murdered, Doctor Julian Bashir employed cellular spectrographs for finding trace matter left behind by the victim. Dr. Bashir's findings, confirmed by Jadzia Dax, were that there was no new DNA traces in the suite. (DS9: "A Man Alone")

The USS Enterprise-D ran a spectrographic analysis on a Dyson sphere in 2369, to determine its structure and composition. (TNG: "Relics")

A spectroscopic analysis was included on a data clip of Miles O'Brien's supposed death on a T'Lani cruiser in 2370. It revealed that liquid which O'Brien had been drinking late in the afternoon had been coffee. Keiko O'Brien used this fact, combined with her intimate knowledge of her husband, to conclusively declare that the video had been forged, because, she averred, Miles never drank coffee that late in the day. (DS9: "Armageddon Game")

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