Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha


"Sophia", or "Soph", was a personified object created by the exocomp Peanut Hamper after she was stranded in space after deserting the USS Cerritos during the Battle of Kalla in late 2380. Peanut Hamper cobbled Sophia's vaguely exocomp-shaped body together from debris and would converse with "her", whom she praised for having a "level head", as she attempted to construct a makeshift warp nacelle to return to civilization.

Once the nacelle was completed, Peanut Hamper intended to take Sophia with her. However, when a ship belonging to Drookmani scavengers appeared and caught her in a tractor beam, she did not hesitate to throw Sophia, her so-called "friend for life", into the beam so she could escape. Despite this, losing Sophia may have affected Peanut Hamper, as the first thing she uttered after crash landing and reactivating on Areolus was Sophia's name. (LD: "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption")
