Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

An incomplete golem

The Soong Method was the process of creating a golem, a synthetic organic android that functioned near-identically to a biological lifeform. It was named after Doctor Altan Soong, who created the technology in the late 24th century.

In 2399, the Soong Method was used to transfer the mind of retired Starfleet Admiral Jean-Luc Picard into a new body, without the brain defect that had caused his Human body's death. After this initial success, the process was attempted several more times, though the success rate was so low that it was eventually all but abandoned. (PIC: "Et in Arcadia Ego, Part 2"; DIS: "Anomaly (DIS)")

In 3190, this process was used to create a new body for Gray Tal and ultimately resurrect him once Gray's consciousness was unjoined from Tal. (DIS: "Anomaly (DIS)", "Choose to Live")

See also[]
