Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Inhabitants of Triskelion in 2268.




Andorian thrall []

Andorian thrall

Andorian thrall

This Andorian thrall fought for the entertainment of the Providers on Triskelion, serving for Provider 3.

Along with Lars and Kloog, he fought Captain James T. Kirk in a final match in 2268. However, unlike Lars and Kloog, the Andorian was merely injured during the combat and replaced with Shahna. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion")

This thrall was played by actor Dick Crockett.

Humanoid thrall []

Humanoid thrall

Humanoid thrall

This Humanoid thrall fought for the entertainment of the Providers on Triskelion, serving for Provider 3.

This thrall, who was slow in obeying a command, was to be punished by the newly acquired thralls consisting of Kirk, Chekov and Uhura, while serving in the form of "practice target." Per the instruction of Galt, as the three thralls charged the disobedient thrall, they were to strike him as they passed.

Uhura was chosen to begin the "practice," but refused to participate, disregarding the Provider's rules. For her disobedience, she was to replace the humanoid thrall, until Kirk volunteered to step in to take her place. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion")

This thrall was played by an unknown actor who had previously appeared as a Cadet on Argelius II in "Wolf in the Fold", and an ISS Enterprise crewmember in "Mirror, Mirror".

Shahna's mother []

Shahna's mother was a thrall on Triskelion, during the 23rd century. She was killed during a freestyle match, sometime before 2268. Shahna referred to her as "she who bore me" when asked by James T. Kirk where her parents were. (TOS: "The Gamesters of Triskelion")

This thrall was only mentioned in dialogue.
