Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Rynar was a descendant of the Klingon Imperial Family and the father of Kor. (DS9: "Once More Unto the Breach")

This character was only mentioned in dialogue.



Rynar expresses his opinion of L'Rell

The Pocket ENT novel Live by the Code and the Seven Deadly Sins novella The Unhappy Ones identify Rynar, son of Kor as having been born prior to 2165 to Kor, son of Kaltar. In Rynar's youth, his family had become ridgeless QuchHa' Klingons due to the outbreak of the Qu'Vat virus. In response, Rynar's father had changed their house name to the House of Mur'Eq to remind ridged Klingons that they were of noble blood despite their Human-style appearance.

The comic book Star Trek: Discovery - Aftermath #1 shows Rynar having become the leader of the House of Kor after the death of Kol-Sha. Rynar dislikes and distrusts Chancellor L'Rell. In this depiction, Rynar instead has head ridges in 2258.

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