Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Rosseau V was the fifth planet of its star system. This planet had an asteroid belt located around or near it. The region was unique in that it was surrounded by neutrino clouds that formed a harmonic resonance. Eventually the resonance becomes synchronous, making the place sound like it "has a voice."

In 2365, Wesley Crusher took Salia to the holodeck and showed her, among other things, an environmental simulation of the asteroid belt of Rousseau V. (TNG: "The Dauphin")

The script spelling for this planet was "Rosseau V" [1]; however, several other sources, including the Star Trek Encyclopedia, 4th ed., vol. 2, p. 239, as well as the episode's closed captioning, spelled it as "Rousseau V."

In the same script, rather than neutrino clouds forming the harmonic resonance, it was stated that the harmonic resonance occurred after "the orbits of the moons [became] synchronous."

Visual Effects Supervisor Dan Curry used lava rocks he found in the buildings supply for this scene. He was very careful sorting the right rocks out. (TNG Season 2 DVD special feature "Departmental Briefing Year Two: Memorable Missions - The Dauphin")

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