Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Multiple realities
(covers information from several alternate timelines)

Romulan disruptor pistols were a type of Romulan technology delivered in the form of a disruptor pistol, used by Romulan military personnel as the smaller, standard issue alternative to the Romulan disruptor rifle. (TNG: "Unification I", et al) This type of weapon was classified by Starfleet as a Type 3 disruptor, based on the type of blast pattern they left. (Star Trek Generations)

They were first encountered during the 23rd century when the USS Enterprise entered the Romulan Neutral Zone to steal a cloaking device. (TOS: "The Enterprise Incident")

During the 24th century, the Romulans were using a sleeker designed disruptors that featured various power settings as well as an overload setting. (TNG: "The Next Phase", "Face Of The Enemy"; DS9: "The Search, Part I")

In 2369, Doctor Beverly Crusher was shot from a close distance with a Romulan disruptor but was frozen in time due to several temporal fragments. When the away team, including Captain Picard, Data, Geordi La Forge, and Deanna Troi, was able to return the normal timeline, Troi saved Crusher by pushing her out of the way. The Romulan officer was surprised when time resumed normally as he was not shooting at Crusher. His target had been a female alien who had been posing as a Romulan, and was capable of changing her location during the momentary pause of time. (TNG: "Timescape")

Those used near the end of the 24th century did not include a stun setting. (PIC: "The End is the Beginning")



Background information[]

Rick Sternbach – the weapon's designer – listed the (24th century) Romulan disruptor pistol as one of his favorite creations, describing it as "close to [his] heart". [1]

Material depicting the evolution of the design for Sternbach's "Romulan phaser" appeared in the Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Continuing Mission (p. 104); concept art dates its origins to October 1989.

The pistol that appears in Star Trek was mentioned in Star Trek - The Art of the Film [page number? • edit] as having its barrels designed to wrap around like a serpent, as well as Nero's teral'n. The final prop did not have twisted barrels however.
