Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Risan Menu

Risian script on the cover of a menu (2152)

Tarka's holo interface

Risian script on a holo interface (3190)

The Risian or Risan language was the language of the Risians used on the planet Risa.

Ravis spoke Risan.

Because Risan culture was so accommodating to others, it was considered unusual for aliens to learn their language. During her visit to Risa in 2152, Hoshi Sato learned the language quickly despite never having spoken it before. According to a Risian woman, Sato spoke the language almost without accent. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")

Risan wine featured labeling in the Risian language. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights", PIC: "The Star Gazer", "The Next Generation")

In 3190, Risian Ruon Tarka's holo interface was in Risian script. (DIS: "Rosetta")

The Risian font for DIS Season 4 onward was fleshed out by Timothy Peel, based on the few characters seen in previous series and Risian "forehead tattoos among other things..." [1]

Spoken language[]

Words and phrases[]

  • Danaa? – Really?
  • furanda – beautiful
  • Horga'hn – A fertility symbol
  • Ikara! – Hi!
  • Jamaharon – A sexual rite or activity
  • Lohlunat – The Festival of the Moons
  • lunat – night
  • Na – No
  • preemari – teacher
  • Sara – Thank you
  • tak – good
  • tularee – Exceptionally. (Very good.)

Examples of spoken language[]

Hello. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights")
Haso furanda lunat.
It's a beautiful night.
Duet petratta osa petah.
You've obviously never been here before.
Dano panwali sora?
Why do you say that?
Lunat setati furanda jaa.
The nights are always beautiful.
Itti mari Risa.
I'm just learning Risan.
Danaa? Yutip ferula tani sora.
Really? Most people wouldn't bother.
Du itti barani somari tybo onik ta nay.
When I go someplace I like to learn the language.
Kara batta soorah atti konatass?
How long will you be here?
Zuti tolar ja tolara.
Just today and tomorrow.
Ittu naren baritti Risa sosa tobar?
You've never spoken Risan before today?
Naa. Kaytee adatto osa?
No. How am I doing?
Tilari. Way ittu alo niraal.
Exceptionally. You hardly have any accent.
Thank you.
Trio p'ittu sapa nwani.
It's been very nice talking to you.
Na tolara lohlunaat. Ud ittu tuay tostana.
We're attending the Festival of the Moons tonight. You should go if you have time.
Sara, ittu moronn.
Thank you, I'll try.
Tak lunat.
Good night.

Iteveral pal soker uttiti nam pokara. Junat mari ittana.
I don't mean to be rude, but I overheard your conversation. You're very adept at languages.
Itti oberat. Dalka wutan makbatto wumar. Shikara Hoshi.
It's my job. I'm the Communications Officer on a starship. My name's Hoshi.
Ravis. Irita?
Ravis. May I...?
Vi'tammiban iktanna porvort?
How many languages do you speak?
Motch tona.
About forty.
Itreva mari iktanna pontarvis?
Have you ever heard one you couldn't learn?
Naa sol. Kehreht sotola Klingon. Borat terem brakat ju'estal.
Not yet. Klingon was hard. It took me months to master the conjugations.
Ittu se mari tuson?
Do you think you could learn my language?
Sora altu ishtu fon?
Where are you from?
Tak ishtu fon? Pon war ruit.
That's the name of your planet? Say it slower.
Naa pon faruit. Itam fericuus trekepar.
You can't say it any slower. It changes the meaning.
Try it again.
Parakee omara. Ittu fera barasika.
Don't feel bad. My own people can barely speak it properly.
Etti duta. Weru tartar etti mari?
I'm not ready to give up. Will you teach me?
Tika samara puf. Tappa ikun kara. Compasita?
It could take a while. I was about to have dinner. Will you join me?


