Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Rionoj's freighter was a Boslic freighter commanded by Captain Rionoj.

In late 2369/early 2370, Rionoj's freighter visited Cardassia IV with the intentions of then traveling to Bajor, with a layover at Deep Space 9. However, due to time constraints, she was unable to make it to Bajor before heading off on another run. (DS9: "The Homecoming")

In 2371, the ship visited the Gamma Quadrant, where it discovered some ship wreckage. She arrived at Deep Space 9 with several pieces of salvage, where she sold it to Quark for three bars of latinum, sight unseen. When he inquired as to what kind of ship it was, she told him she didn't know. (DS9: "The Abandoned")

The freighter docked again at Deep Space 9 in late 2372. At the time she was confronted by Odo about some missing Falangian diamonds she possibly had in her possession. She and her crew were able to successfully escape the station thanks to Odo being afflicted with a morphogenic virus. (DS9: "Broken Link")

In the eBook Lust's Latinum Lost (and Found), Rionoj's ship is called the Furyk.

