Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Ensign Riggs was a Human female Starfleet officer who served in the sciences division on the USS Titan-A in 2401.

She was injured during the Shrike's attack on the Titan and taken to sickbay where she was being cared for by Jack Crusher. During his interaction with her, he said, "Hey, look at me, look at me. You're going to be okay. All right? You may have lost a bit of blood, but here's some good news: we got plenty. So you're going to be absolutely fine, I promise." She then thanked him for his encouragement. (PIC: "Seventeen Seconds")

During an invading Changeling boarding party from the Shrike, she was attacked and reported that her team was pinned down. Her body was seen by Jack Crusher when he inhabited the body of a Titan security officer. (PIC: "Surrender")

Riggs was played by Olivia Youngers.

Apparently killed, showrunner Terry Matalas and actress Youngers referred to Monty Python's Dead Parrot sketch, suggesting that "she's just resting." [1] The actress stated on twitter that the character is not dead. [2]
