Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Khan spits his last breath

Khan prepares to get his final revenge

Vengeance redirects here; for the novel, please see Vengeance (novel); for the starship, please see USS Vengeance.

Revenge was an emotion against someone responsible for an action and performing a harmful response on this individual. Vindictive, vendetta, vengeance, avenge, and retaliation were also other terms for revenge, as were the idioms such as an "old" or "personal score to settle" or "even the score".

According to Sub-Commander T'Pol, revenge was a very primitive emotion, but it would explain the irrational behavior of Matthew Ryan, who was seeking revenge against the Nausicaan pirates. (ENT: "Fortunate Son")

According to Khan Noonien Singh, there was a "Klingon proverb that tells us "Revenge is a dish that is best served cold," before noting that, "It is very cold …in space." (Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)

In 3189, Philippa Georgiou claimed to Kovich that revenge was the only motivation Terrans had for any given action, and they were otherwise "untroubled by pesky motivations". (DIS: "Die Trying")

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