Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha

Redspice was a spice native to Vulcan used in cooking food. Served warm, many found redspice to be soothing when experiencing emotional distress. (DIS: "Choose to Live")

In 2370, redspice was an ingredient in the broth of a stew cooked by Gideon Seyetik for the senior staff of Deep Space 9. For the broth, two clusters of redspice were mixed with a tumbler and half of Gremish, a liter of clear Rumall stock, half a dozen of Humat pods, and a dash of ice salt. The broth was reduced in an Andorian boiler, then cooked at exactly 500 degrees Kelvin and peppered to taste. The recipe for the dish took years to perfect, and Chief O'Brien wanted a copy. (DS9: "Second Sight")

In 3190, President of Ni'Var T'Rina observed Cleveland Booker distressed during analysis at the Ni'Var Science Institute, and offered him a warm redspice. (DIS: "Choose to Live")
