Memory Alpha
Memory Alpha
Delta Flyer escape pod

A Delta Flyer escape pod in a radiogenic particle ring

A radiogenic particle is a type of radioactive particle, found in low concentrations in space and in higher concentrations associated with various natural or artificial phenomena. Radiogenic particles in sufficient quantities could serve as an alternate power source for starships, though this was only safe with a properly modified conversion matrix. (VOY: "Dragon's Teeth")

In 2372, Tom Paris created the short-lived Paris Radiogenic Sweepstakes aboard the USS Voyager, a lottery whose winner was the one to correctly guess the radiogenic particle count the next day. (VOY: "Meld")

The Vihaar of Malon legend are supposedly monsters created by radiogenic waste, carried in large quantities aboard Malon freighters. (VOY: "Juggernaut")

The atmosphere of the Vaadwaur homeworld became charged with radiogenic particles following a massive orbital bombardment with plasma bombs in 1484. In 2376, the USS Voyager took shelter from the Turei on the planet surface, as its shields could withstand the radiation and the particles interfered with the Turei's targeting sensors. After the Vaadwaur attacked, the crew drew in six hundred kilograms of radiogenic particles directly into their plasma manifolds, giving them enough power to reach escape velocity at the risk of blowing out every power relay on the ship. (VOY: "Dragon's Teeth")

Class T clusters, such as the one explored by the Delta Flyer in 2376, contain radiogenic sources. After the Flyer was damaged by an encounter with a dark matter lifeform, Captain Kathryn Janeway took the Flyer into a radiogenic ring around a class T planet, hoping to reinitialize the warp reaction by beaming particles directly into the reaction chamber. However, the approach of more dark matter lifeforms forced her to ignite a chain reaction in the rings instead, using the Flyer's phasers. (VOY: "Good Shepherd")

In 2377, Lieutenant Reginald Barclay speculated that a radiogenic field might be preventing his datastream from reaching Voyager. (VOY: "Inside Man")

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